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August 20, 2008

More John Edwards thoughts

I’m having second thoughts about John Edwards -- I think Rielle Hunter’s baby is his kid after all. According to Hunter's friends, she mentioned having a married boyfriend from North Carolina named John, but she never talked about Andrew Young, the (married) campaign aide who supposedly fathered her child (born in February). According to the New York Times, “Hunter was pregnant when she moved to California from North Carolina late last year with Andrew Young” (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/15/us/politics/15edwards.html?scp=3&sq=John%20Edwards&st=cse). But if Edwards and Hunter really did end their affair in 2006, why would Edwards agree to meet her, AND the baby, in a California hotel room really late at night? It was like 2 AM when those National Enquirer reporters caught him leaving the hotel! Why wouldn't Andrew Young be with her then, if she's really dating him and he's really the baby's father (they supposedly moved across the country together, after all)? I know Edwards said he would be happy to take a paternity test, but it’s easy for him to say that when Hunter seems determined not to have her daughter tested. And why would Hunter not list a father on the birth certificate, or allow her daughter to be tested, if she definitely is Young’s kid? Very suspicious.

Also, I can’t help but comment on the name of one of Hunter’s friends who has been quoted in the press: Pigeon O’Brien. Who names their kid PIGEON!?

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