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May 20, 2008

Gee, Your DNA Smells Terrific

Haven’t received any further texts from Florida Guy – I guess he got the hint!

Today’s Los Angeles Times has an article by Regina Nuzzo entitled “Do I Smell Sexy?” (http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-sex19-2008may19,0,5686684.story) Apparently there’s a company called ScientificMatch (http://www.scientificmatch.com) which promises to match you with a potential partner based on your DNA. You have to send them a cotton swab you’ve rubbed against the inside of your cheek, and they’ll find you someone whose MHC genes (the genes that tell the immune system to fight off germs) are dissimilar to yours, because that’s who we tend naturally to be attracted to, subconsciously. It makes sense, because, as Nuzzo writes, “if men and women with complementary immune systems are inexplicably drawn to each other, their kids will have an advantage in fighting off pathogenic nasties.”

The article is called “Do I Smell Sexy?” because we tend to find the natural scent of potential mates much more appealing if their MHC genes are a lot different than ours. Nuzzo explains that ScientificMatch members “are first genetically matched on the basis of their two copies (one inherited from Mom, one from Dad) of three major genes (sometimes known as HLA, for human leukocyte antigen). Members can choose to use results from a personal-values survey to refine the pool even further.”

Interestingly, smell and sight apparently don’t correlate, as research has found that we tend to be more visually attracted to people with facial features -- and immune-system types – that are similar to ours. No wonder love is so complicated!

At any rate, Eric Holzle, the founder of ScientificMatch, promotes the following advantages of being scientifically matched through his company: better sex, increased fertility, healthier kids, less cheating and more orgasms (!).

I would try it, but a) it costs $995; b) it’s currently available only for people in the Boston/Providence area; and c) it’s creepy to think of some dating site having a copy of my DNA. I’m already paranoid that they’re laughing at my profile.

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