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May 29, 2008

Single in the Suburbs; Speed-Dating Regulars

My newest on-line addiction is “Single in the Suburbs” by Sara Susannah Katz (http://www.match.com/msn/article.aspx?articleid=6313&menuid=1&lid=429). It’s a very funny and entertaining blog about starting to date again when you’re in your 40s, divorced with kids and a (too large for comfort) mortgage, living in the suburbs in the Midwest. Katz has written 57 entries so far, and I read them all in two sittings. Apparently dating in your 40s isn’t any better or worse than dating in your 30s – you still find guys who want to date you, but you still come to learn that a lot of them are rather weird (as we all are, I guess). Reading Katz’s blog does make me appreciate living in New York City even more, if that’s possible. It’s harder to date in a small town. Here in the city, not only are there a lot more single people, but if I date someone for a while and he breaks my heart (or vice versa), it’s extremely easy never to see him again. There’s still the risk of running into him randomly on the subway or wherever, but much, much less than when you live in a small town of 10,000 people.

I forgot to tell you a funny story about my HurryDate (http://www.HurryDate.com) speed-dating experience last week. I ran into one guy who is an acquaintance I’ve known for six years, so that was fun -- but there were a couple of other guys there I had speed-dated before, including one strange guy I have now speed-dated THREE TIMES! The host was really nice, so my friend and I were talking to him afterwards about these “repeaters.” Then my friend suddenly stopped and said, “Oh, I’m sorry -- are these guys friends of yours? Maybe we shouldn’t be talking about them like this.”

The host shook his head. “They’re not my friends.”

“But you were talking to them like you’re old pals,” I pointed out.

The host rolled his eyes, leaned forward and said in a conspiratorial whisper, “That’s because they come so *&^%ing often!”

Ha! I guess there is a small subset of these awkward guys who speed-date CONSTANTLY to try to meet all their dating needs. Poor things.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Dating at any age has its ups and downs, I guess. Living in a big city is great but where are all the guys? At the bars waiting for the young, "barbie-chicks" , with no baggage to come along? Reality is this... everyone has a story to tell about something from their past. It maybe a divorce, a divorce with children involved, break ups etc. Give someone a chance and get to know them, instead of making superficial judgments and crossing them off your list after one dinner date ( or the interview dinner date). Getting to know someone takes time....